Friday, February 17, 2012

Yoga for body and mind

Hello Everyone,

It's been ages since i posted something on the blog, life got in the way i guess or may be i have just been lazy. Hope you all are doing great! I wanted to share some great Yoga videos with you that i find are invaluable. I'm sure pretty much everyone knows the benefits of Yoga by now, there are several forms and brands of Yoga in the market. I started doing Yoga by attending sessions of YogaBharti and i always felt that it was the best Yoga experience i ever had. When i couldn't attend the sessions anymore, i tried finding some videos, but none of the crunch videos appealed to me. I think the best benefit of Yoga is attained when it is combined with breathing techniques and helps you to relax and exercise at the same time.

I was thrilled to come across Esther Ekhart's videos in Youtube. She is amazing and has uploaded tons of videos to YouTube. She is my online 'Yogaguru' :-). Check out all her videos on her YouTube channel. I hope these videos help you all as much as they help me.

Keep smiling...