Friday, March 25, 2011

Ben Carson:Gifted Hands

The dilemma i had of posting about this book was whether i would do justice to explain the greatness of this man and his life in a few words. I decided to go ahead with it as i want everyone i know to read this book in their lifetime. If i would make a list of 'Books you should read before you die', this would be in the top 5.

This book begins with Ben (fondly called as Bennie by his mom) describing his childhood days and the role his mom Sofia played in his life. Sofia Carson who despite having only a 3rd grade education at that time had a strong will and determination to raise her kids into confident and successful individuals. She refused to let several financial and personal setbacks deter her resolve and she always made her children believe in themselves. Dr. Carson quotes his mom several times in the book at different stages of his life.

Ben Carson went on to study medicine at Yale and still works at John Hopkins hospital. There are several facets to this great man who continues to inspire and motivate people. At the end of the book he talks about his dream to set up a fund for talented youth and he is fulfilling his dream through Carson Scholars fund.
Whatever he has achieved and if you read this book you will know that it is a lot, is through his hard work and his strong belief in human values and God. His Mantra 'Think Big' describes him completely. If you do get a chance do read his book and give it as a gift to your kids. You wont' regret it and they might thank you in the future for this!


Sreelu said...

Anila, thanks for the recco this is just want I wanted, will check out my library this weekend.

Ani said...

U r welcome Sridevi, hopefully u will enjoy it too.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful man...OMG